Северна Македонија (MK)

Северна Македонија (MK)

Факти за државата:

Главен град: 

Број на жители: 

Површина:  km²

БДП: $ (GDP per capita, PPP. World Bank )


Инфраструктура за регистрација:

IP law infrastructure:

Paris Convention, PCT, Madrid Agreement, Nice Agreement, Berne Convention (Copyright), Locarno Agreement (Industrial designs), GATT/WTO, Hague Agreement (Industrial Designs), EPC, Rome Convention, Strasbourg Agreement, Budapest Treaty and CT, Madrid Protocol, Lisbon Agreement, PLT, UPOV Convention, Vienna Agreement, Brussels Convention, Singapore Treaty, Phonograms Convention, Договор , TRIPS

Official Administrative body:

Republic of North Macedonia-State Office of Industrial Property( Државен Завод за Индустриска Сопственост на Република Северна Македонија)

Official website:


Процедура за регистрација


Процедура за регистрирање

Пријавата се поднесува до Државниот завод за индустриска сопственост во Република Северна Македонија

Државниот завод испитува апсолутни причини за одбивање. Пријавата се објавува и против неа може да се поднесе приговор во рок од 90 дена од денот на објавата

Постапката за регистрација трае околу една до две години од датумот на аплицирање


Приговорот може да се поднесе во рок од 90 дена од денот на објава на пријавата


По плаќањето на трошоците за стекнување на правото, трговската марка важи 10 години сметано од датумот на пријавата на трговска марка
По плаќањето на трошоците за продолжување, трговската марка може да се продолжи за дополнителни 10 години.Трошоците за продолжување може да се платат за времетраењето на последната година од предходниот 10годишен период на заштита или во период од 3 месеци после истекот на со плаќање на зголемена такса за 25%, или во периодот од 3-9 месеци после истекот со плаќање на такса зголемена за 100%

Recording changes in the Register:

  1. Assignment of Rights Requirements:
    • Power of Attorney signed by the Assignee (date, name, family name, position, facsimile or seal - if the applicant is a company)
    • Assignment document signed by the Assignor and the Assignee. Document must be legalized by the Apostille or notarized by a Notary Public
  2. Change of Name Requirements:
    • Power of Attorney indicating the new name, signed by a representative of the Company (date, name, family name, position, facsimile or seal – if the applicant is a company).
    • Certified extract from the Register of Companies showing the change of name
  3. Change of Address Requirements:
    • Power of Attorney indicating the new address, signed by a representative of the Company (date, name, family name, position, facsimile or seal – if the applicant is a company).


Filing a conventional Application – Requirements:

  • Name and address of the Applicant
  • Representation of the Mark
  • List of Goods and Services according to Nice Classification 11th Edition (Classes 1-45)
  • Priority date, country and number and the original Priority document which can be submitted subsequently within 60 days from the Application date
  • Power of Attorney signed by the Applicant (date, name, family name, position, facsimile or seal - if the applicant is a company). The PoA can be submitted subsequently within 60 days from the application date.

Filing a National Phase of PCT Application – Requirements

  • The Application is filed with the Macedonian State Office of Industrial Property
  • The Office examines absolute grounds for refusal. The Application is published and opposition can be filed against it within 90 days from publication date
  • The registration procedure takes approximately one to two years from the application date

Extension of a European Patent - requirements

  • Macedonia must be specified as the extension state
  • Name and address of the Applicant
  • Application date and number of the European Patent Application
  • Registration date and number of the European Patent Application
  • Translation of the Patent Claims into Macedonian - can be submitted within 3 months from the date of publication of the granting of the European Patent
  • Power of Attorney signed by the Applicant (date, name, family name, position, facsimile or seal - if the applicant is a company) – can be submitted subsequently, within one month from the Application date

Time limits for filing a National phase of PCT Application

  • The Application is to be filed with the Office within 30 months from the Priority Application date.

Extension of a European Patent - requirements

  • Macedonia must be specified as the extension state
  • Name and address of the Applicant
  • Application date and number of the European Patent Application
  • Registration date and number of the European Patent Application
  • Translation of the Patent Claims into Macedonian - can be submitted within 3 months from the date of publication of the granting of the European Patent
  • Power of Attorney signed by the Applicant (date, name, family name, position, facsimile or seal - if the applicant is a company) – can be submitted subsequently, within one month from the Application date

Time limits for filing the Application for the extension of the European Patent

  • The Application for the Extension of the European Patent is to be filed within 3 months from the date of publication of the granting of the European Patent


Filing a conventional Application – Requirements:

  • Name and address of the Applicant
  • Representation of the Mark
  • List of Goods and Services according to Nice Classification 11th Edition (Classes 1-45)
  • Priority date, country and number and the original Priority document which can be submitted subsequently within 60 days from the Application date
  • Power of Attorney signed by the Applicant (date, name, family name, position, facsimile or seal - if the applicant is a company). The PoA can be submitted subsequently within 60 days from the application date.