Our Team
Prof. Dr. Georgi Filipov
Experience: First Director of the State Office of Industrial Property in Macedonia since its foundation (1993-1999). President of the Association of Inventors and Authors of Technical Improvements of Macedonia (AIATIM) (2001-2005). During the period of 2005-2010 he performed the function of Ambassador of Macedonia in Germany, followed by 2010-2015 Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia in Austria and Macedonian Plenipotentiary in Tokio (Japan) and Bratislava (Slovaki).
Member of INTA since 2000 and of FICPI since 2002. Author of several books and of more than a hundred scientific articles. Professor of Management of intellectual property at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering (University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" – Skopje) and a member of the European Academy of Science and Art in Salzburg Austria.
Areas of expertise: Assessment and management of intellectual property, negotiating and signing contracts, licenses, transfer of know-how and technologies, patent disputes related to mechanical engineering, Data Processing, Computer Science, Automation and Electronics.
Languages: Macedonian, English, German, Russian, Serbian, Bulgarian and Croatian.
For more information please check wikipedia and www.gjorgjifilipov.com .
Dipl. Eng. Liljana Filipova
Education: Diploma in Electrical Engineering at the University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" – Skopje.
Experience: Representation before the administrative authorities and in litigations.
Areas of expertise: Specialized practice of industrial designs and trademarks, patents in the field of electrical installations and automation, physics and international protection.
Specialized trainings: Geneva (Switzerland).
Languages: Macedonian, English, French, German, Bulgarian, Serbian and Croatian.
Dipl. Eng. Vancho Damjanski
Education: Diploma in Electrical Engineering at the University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" – Skopje.
Experience: Representation before administrative authorities. Member of the Council and the Disciplinary Committee of the European Patent Institute (2014-2022).
Areas of expertise: Expert in technical aspects of industrial property, patents in the field of automatic data processing, telecommunications and physics, international rights protection, mediation and assessment of industrial property rights.
Languages: Macedonian, English, Serbian, Croatian and Bulgarian.
Iva Bernhardt, Dipl. Ing., MBE
Education: Master of Business and Engineering with specialization in Information Technology at Steinbeis University in Berlin, Germany.
Graduated Environmental Engineer at the University "St. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje.
Doctoral Studies for Sustainable Energy at the Technical University in Berlin, Germany.
Qualified EU-Fundraiser spezialised on EU-Projects.
Experience: Senior level positions in the field of international relations, evaluation, sustainable energy, energy efficiency and environmental systems of quality management, internal audit, technology transfer and intellectual property.
She leads Berin’s International Relations with all International Organisations and strengthens Government collaboration.
She has evaluated numerous multi-million dollar projects and programmes for UNIDO (United Nations for Industrial Development Organization), UNEP, EU, GEF (Global Environment Facility), USAID, GIZ and others. She has managed and led international teams in more than twenty countries on four continents (Africa, Europe, Asia and Latin America).
Areas of expertise: International Relations, Government Collaboration, Evaluation of Energy and Environmental Projects, Youth Employment and Rural Development Projects, Patents (Technology, Pharmacy and Chemistry) and Industrial Design.
Languages: Macedonian, English, German, French, Spanish, Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian and Russian
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Dukovski
Education: PhD at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. Graduated in Lvov, Ukraine.
Experience: Professor of Automation at the Mechanical Engineering in Skopje. Associate professor in Bradford (England) and Arizona (USA).
Areas of expertise: Machine tools and robotics.
Languages: Macedonian, Russian, Ukrainian, English, Serbian, Croatian and Bulgarian.
MA Irena Petkoska, Dipl. Pharm.
Education: Graduated Pharmacist (B.Sc.Pharm) at Faculty of Pharmacy (University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" – Skopje); Master of Intellectual Property Law (LL.M.) at Law Faculty "Justinian I" (University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" – Skopje in cooperation with the Center for International Studies in Intellectual Property at the University of Strasbourg).
Experience: Patent and Trademark Attorney. Counsel for patents in the field of pharmacy and chemistry, patent systems, an additional certificate for protection of patents, system for annuities. Experience in various projects as a member of the Scientific Research Association at the Faculty of Pharmacy.
Languages: Macedonian, English, German, Dutch, Serbian, Croatian and Bulgarian.
МА Ivona Sekulovska
Education: Graduated lawyer and Master in Law in the field of intellectual property (double diploma at CEIPI Institute at the University of Strasbourg and Faculty of Law Iustinianus I at UKIM, Skopje).
Diploma for completed Bar exam in RM.
Certificate for completed WIPO-UNIGE School of Intellectual Property, Geneva, Switzerland
Experience: Preparation of legal documents in the field of intellectual property, conducting a procedure for protection of trademarks in Macedonia,
Field of expertise: Administrative procedure for national registration of trademarks in Macedonia, protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights, court proceedings in the field of industrial property.
Languages: Macedonian, English, Serbian, Bulgarian.
MA Tijana Filipova Dipl. Ing.
Education: Master of Air Engineering at the Technical University in Berlin (Germany). Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Transport Systems - air engineering at the Technical University in Berlin (Germany). International diploma from high school "Josip Broz Tito" in Skopje (Macedonia).
Experience: Rolls-Royce Germany Ltd & Co KG (Measurement Technology) in Dahlewitz (Germany).
Languages: Macedonian, English, German, Serbian, Croatian.
Kristina Chachovska, Dipl. Ing.
Education: Graduated Engineer in wood industry in the field of Design and technology of furniture and interior (on Faculty for design and technology of furniture and interior at UKIM, Skopje).
Certificates: Polymer Chemistry and Technology of Polymers (Slovak University of Technology);Innovation School Sprungbrett (Conferences on Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana and Department of Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering, Bern University of Applied Sciences; Practical projects in Russhouse, Saint Petersburg, Russia, Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade, Serbia and Feydom, Skopje);
Autodesk for completed AutoCad 2D, AutoCad 3D, 3D Studio Max Design and Fusion 360 Essentials (in Semos Computers Educational Centar).
Experience: Assistant in the field of patents (drafting a patent specifications and filing patent applications), design and consultations.
Field of expertise: Engineering, materials and technology.
Languages: Macedonian, English, Serbian, Italian, German.
Tatyana Pobegun
Education: University degree in Business Economics from the Faculty of Economics "Kiev’s Institute of National Economy" - Kiev (Ukraine).
Experience: Administrator, payment of royalties, accounting.
Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian and English.
Anna Maria Pavlovska
Education: High school degree in economics.
Experience: Work in the field of industrial property.
Area of expertise: Copyright and accounting.
Languages: Macedonian, English, German, Serbian, Bulgarian and Croatian.
Sonja Krstevska
Education: Economic Secondary School "Vasil Antevski - Dren", Skopje.
Experience: Financial accounting and work in the field of industrial property.
Area of expertise: Financial Accounting, Annual Accounts, payment of royalties and payment of annuities on patents.
Languages: Macedonian, English, Serbian, Bulgarian and Croatian.
M.A. Elena Simjanovska
Education: Graduated lawyer and Master in Law in the field of intellectual property (double diploma at CEIPI Institute at the University of Strasbourg and Faculty of Law Iustinianus I at UKIM, Skopje).
Experience: Preparation of legal documents in the field of intellectual property, conducting a procedure for protection of trademarks in Macedonia,
Field of expertise: Administrative procedure for national registration of trademarks in Macedonia, protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights, court proceedings in the field of industrial property.
Languages: Macedonian, English, Serbian, French
Elena Srebrova
Education: Economic secondary school.
Experience: Accounting, finacial administrator, working in the field of patents (conducting administrative proceedings before the state authorities), tracking annuities.
Area of expertise: Patents, annuities, translation of patents.
Languages: Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian, English, German, Greek and Bulgarian.
Mag. Ivan Ivanov
Education: Mater and Bachelor diploma at the University of Sofia, Bulgaria.
Experience: Consultant, patents and trademarks Attorney.
Languages: Bulgarian, Russian, English, Macedonian and Serbian.
Mag. Aglika Ivanova
Education: Mater and Bachelor diploma at the University of Sofia, Bulgaria.
Experience: Consultant, patents and trademarks Attorney.
Languages: Bulgarian, Russian, English, German, Macedonian and Serbian.
Prof. Dr. Iskra Dukovska - Popovska
Education: Doctoral Degree at the University of Aalborg, Denmark. Master of Science of the University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje. Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering of the University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje. Training in Aalborg, Denmark.
Experience: Professor at the University of Aalborg, Work in the field of quality control and intellectual property.
Languages: Macedonian, English, Danish, Croatian and Serbian.
Luiza Stajic
Education: Bachelor of Law at the University of Skopje.
Experience: Legal representation in civil and commercial cases and litigation of intellectual property.
Expertise: Trademarks, litigation and geographical indications.
Languages: Macedonian, French, Serbian, Bulgarian and Croatian.
Vancho Filipov Dipl. Ing.
Education: Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering at University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje.
Experience: Work in the field of patents, hydraulics, pneumatics, energetic, oil transport and maintenance.
Special training: Belgrade (Serbia).
Languages: Macedonian, German, Serbian, Croatian and Bulgarian.
Jasmina Davitkovska
Education: Faculty of Law "Justinian I" Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje.
Experience: Drafting of legal documents and representing parties in litigation.
Area of expertise: Administrative procedure for national registration of trademarks in Macedonia, litigation in the field of industrial property.
Languages: Macedonian, English, Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian and Italian.
Sladjana Stojanovic, LL.M
Education: Bachelor of Philology and Master of Intellectual Property Law (LL.M), Faculty of Law, “Iustinianus Primus” at UKIM Skopje. University diploma in intellectual property law from the University of Strasbourg, France.
Experience: Background and experience in the field of intellectual property since 2000. Twenty years of experience in business and ten years of intellectual property management in a multinational company.
Her professional practice covers various aspects of national and international registrations and legal analysis of trademarks, patents, and industrial designs.
Part of her work also includes consulting services in the field of registration, protection, and enforcement of intellectual property rights, intellectual property management, negotiation and conclusion of contracts, licenses, transfer of know-how and technologies.
Languages: Serbian, Macedonian, English, French.
Goran Ilic
Education: secondary education, Java programming license from Oracle Corporation (USA).
Experience: administration, documentation archiving, design and maintenance of web sites, graphic design of materials for prepress, working in free software.
Areas of Expertise: web design, administration, Java, Gnu/Linux, prepress.
Languages: Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian, English.
Martin Zivkovski
Education: BSc in Mechanical Engineering and MSc in technical sciences - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Skopje. Acquired certificates for 3D Studio MAX, SolidWorks, German;
Experience: management positions in maintenance and production, organization and operation of projects, realization of various graphic design and modeling products;
Languages: Macedonian, English, Serbian, Croatian and German;