News and resources

From October 8 to 10, 2024, the Life Sciences Strategy Summit on IP & Exclusivity was held in Munich, Germany.
At the spring’s 97th regular meeting of the European Patent Institute (EPI), which was held on April 27, 2024 in Sofia, current topics were discussed, which affect this professional association of representatives before the European Patent Office.
June 1st 2023, The registration of the Unitary Patent and the work of Unified Patent Court started. The new system for patent protection in the European Union, which allows patent holders to obtain protection at the European Union (EU) level through a single application, has come into effect.
The world's five largest IP offices (IP5) have published the IP5 Statistics Report 2021 on the IP5 website.
Montenegro became the 39th state to join the European Patent Organisation.
The regular autumn meeting of ANIPA (Association of National Institute of Patent Attorneys) was held in Istanbul on September 17th.
From 15-th to 18-th of June in Copenhagen Denmark 40-th annual ECTA conference was held
The 92nd meeting of the Council of the European Patent Institute (EPI) was held on 6 and 7 May 2022.
On 16.12.21 was held a panel discussion entitled "Intellectual Property Rights (IP) in boosting to trade and investments" within the Conference "CEFTA Week 2021 - 15 years of trade", which took place in Skopje, MK ​from 13-16 December 2021.
BERIN Agency actively participated in the debate on the proposed first version of the "National Intellectual Property Strategy (2022-2026) of MK"
The 11th Convention and Intellectual Property Fair (IF) which took place from 21-24 November 2021 in Munich (Germany) was attended by the Berin Agency with two representatives
From November 8-10, 2021 The 42nd edition of MAKINOVA was held, the International Exhibition of Inventions, Innovations, New Technologies and Products, Technical Advances, Industrial Design, Trademarks, Youth Research and Creativity, as well as the 19th edition of ECONOVA, International Exhibition of Innovations, inventions and ideas aimed at promoting environmental innovation.
EPI C91 Council meeting took place on 13 November 2021 by videoconference. A total of 188 participants attended the meeting, including three representatives from MK: B.Sc. eng. Bogoljub Ilievski in the capacity of Vice President of the Institute and prof. Dr. Gjorgji Filipov (the two permanent members of the Council) and M.Sc. eng. Marija Kjoseska, as a substitute member of the Council.
On 8 November 2021, EPO President António Campinos met online with Mr Daren Tang, Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The organisations renewed their commitment to further improving the international patent system's support for innovation and signed a new Memorandum of Understanding on bilateral co-operation.
Two representatives of the Intellectual Property Agency "Berin", prof. Dr. Gjorgji Filipov and Ivona Sekulovska, MA, participated in the 39th Аnnual Цonference of the European Community Trademark Association (ECTA) held in Vienna (Austria) from 21-22 October 2021.
The Swiss Federal Supreme Court confirms cancellation of the shape mark for Nespresso capsules. It was absolutely impossible to register a technically necessary shape, even if it had become established as a trade mark in the market.
The world-renowned publisher of intellectual property literature Walters Kluver from the Netherlands has published the second edition of the work "European SPCs Unravelled – A Practitioner’s Guide to SPC in Europe", edited by European patent attorneys Oswin Ridderbusch & Dr. Alexa von Uexkuell from Germany. 46 authors from 36 countries have been represented in thесе work prepared for two years, among them three experts from Berin IP Agency (Vancho Damjanski, Irena Petkoska and Gjorgji Filipov). The book was published in August 2021, on 1028 pages, 34 chapters and five annexes with a table of court cases. North Macedonia is in chapter 25 from page 647 to page 661.
On May 25, 2021, the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) issued the Interim Measures for the Processing of Related Examination Businesses Regarding the Implementation of the Revised Patent Law. As the amended patent law has come into effect on June 1, 2021 and the implementation rules are still being revised, CNIPA issued these Interim Measures that have been effective since June 1, 2021. The Interim Measures cover design patent term, partial design examination, patent term adjustment, patent term extension, and other areas. The Interim Measures do not cover patent linkage.
The 90th meeting of the Council of the European Patent Institute (EPI) took place on 8 May 2021 by video conference, which was attended by a total of 160 members, including three representatives from MK: prof. Dr. Gjorgji Filipov, B.Sc. eng. Bogoljub Ilievski (as permanent members and Marija Kjoseska, M.Sc., as a substitute member of the Council). During the meeting, the members of the Council elected a new Secretary General, Ms. Olga SIRAKOVA (BG), in place of Mr. Cornelis Mulder (NL), resigned in January 2021.
Industrial property means the ownership of patent rights, trademarks, industrial designs and geographical names. For similar reasons, to guarantee copyrights in different countries in 1886. The Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works was concluded. These include works in the field of literature, science, works of painters, performers, phonograms, shows ... Works that belong to industrial property and copyright and related works are collectively called intellectual property.
From June 1, 2021 the Eurasian Patent Office will accept Eurasian design applications
2020年2月1日,塞尔维亚一项新的《商标法》生效,引入了重要变更,使该国的商标法与欧盟的相关法律进一步契合。 以下是最重要的更改:
2020年10月1日, 邓洪森先生正式开始担任世界知识产权组织(WIPO)总干事的六年任期,从而开始了担任该组织负责人的六年任期。
2020年6月29日,欧洲专利局理事会第88届大会在线召开,由专业代表组织,面对慕尼黑的欧洲专利局,选举了该局的新管理层,其中两名副主席之一由马其顿及欧洲专利代表博格柳布 · 伊利耶夫斯基(Bogoljub Ilievski)当选,他也是马其顿斯科普里Berin知识产权公司专利部门负责人。
Season's greetings from BERIN IP Agency!!!
From December 5-8, 2019, the BERIN representative attended the two perhaps most important youth festivals
At the EPI 87 Council, approximately 150 of the 12,500 European patent agents participated, including Maria Joseska Ilievska and Bogoljub Ilievski of the BERIN Agency, as two of the four representatives from Macedonia
Representatives of the Berin Agency attended a regional seminar: "Patent Information and Databases" held in Skopje.
The EPO Advisory Body presented the opinions of the expert group regarding the quality of the European patent recognition procedure before the EPO.
From 8th to 12th, October 2019, in Vienna, largest annual conference of FICPI (Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Intellectuelle) International Federation of Intellectual Property Agents was held.
Macedonian Inventions Presented by Berlin Agency at "TAIWAN INNOTECH EXPO 2019", won prizes in competition of more than 600 exhibitors and 1500 inventions
China is promoting rigorous intellectual property protection systems to build a better environment for innovation and business.
A two-day seminar and ceremony marked the jubilee of the largest intellectual property protection agency in the Russian Federation
Alibaba Group received a patent for artificial intelligence in record time, in three months
USPTO announces new trademark rule requiring foreign-domiciled applicants and registrants to have a U.S.-licensed attorney
The European Inventors Awards once again this year shed light on the most innovative minds in Europe and the world.
The EPI Council, 86th in a row, was held on May 10 and 11, 2019 in Sofia, Bulgaria. About 200 representatives from a total of 12,000 European Patent Attorneys participated...
Dipl. Eng. Vanco Damjanski, European and Macedonian patent attorney, executive director of the Agency for Intellectual Property "Berin" and dipl. eng. Bogoljub Ilievski, Director of the Patent Department, participated at the European Conference and at the Industrial Property Fair "IP SERVICE WORLD 2018"
Ms. Maria Kjoseska, MSc, European patent attorney, Ambassador Prof. Dr. Gjorgji Filipov, European patent attorney and Liljana Filipova, dipl. Eng,, European patent attorney participated in the work of the 85th Council of European Patent Attorneys, which was held in Helsinki from 9-11. November 2018.
Evgenia Divitarova from SOTU "Gorgi Naumov" from Bitola for the invention "CNC Laser Engraving Machine" (MAKINOVA) and Nada Bakalovska from OSO "Aco Ruskovski" from Berovo for the invention "Cream against burned skin" (ECONOVA) are winners of the traditional money -awards with diplomas (Gold Medals for Youth Creativity), awarded by the Agency for Intellectual Property "Berin".
At one of the largest exhibition of inventions and new technologies in the region of the far east Asia ”Taiwan INNOCECH Expo”, held in Taipei from 27th to 29th of September, IP Agency Berin had successfully presented part of the inventions of our client inventors.
Within the activities of the Diplomatic Club Skopje on the occasion of 25 years since the membership of the Republic of Macedonia in the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), prof. Dr. Gjorgji Filipov has written a paper on this topic.
On invitation by the "Europa Institute" from "University of Saarland" in Saarbrücken, Germany, prof. Dr. Gjorgji Filipov held a lecture on "Patents" on July 18, 2018. The lecture was part of the Summer School "European Competition Law & Protection of Intellectual Property Rights" (8-21 July 2018), organized for postgraduates and PhD students from the countries of Southeastern Europe and Germany.
he report of Bogoljub Ilievski (IP Attorney in BERIN Ltd.) about the annual meeting in the European Patent Office - Quality Platform (EPI - EPO) has bee published in the last edition quarterly magazine of the European Patent Institute.
On June 11, 2018 in Vienna, the President of the Republic of Austria, Dr. Alexander Van der Bellen received a delegation of the "European Academy of Sciences and Arts", led by the President of the Academy, prof. Dr. Felix Unger. The ambassador, prof. Dr. Gjorgji Filipov, Chairman of the Board of the Agency for Intellectual Property "Berin" - Skopje and Director of "Berin International" - Vienna was one of the members of the delegation.
The International Trademark Association (INTA) Annual Meeting2018 was held for the 140th time from May 18-25 in Seattle (USA), the city of Microsoft, Boeing, Starbucks, Amazon, Jimi Hendriks, Nirvana and many other glorious companies and individuals who have contributed or marked the development of world industry and culture.
Bogoljub Ilievski, MRIP and EPA, Head of Patent Department at BERIN IP Agency, participated in the Annual Meeting called “Partnership for Quality” at the European Patent Office in Munich, as a member of the European Patent Institute (epi) . He is also responsible person for enforcing the Quality Management System of ISO standard 9001:2008 implemented at the BERIN LTD nine years ago . His experience helped to EPI side, to fruitful exchange of experiences between the responsible directors from the European Patent Organization concerning the implementation of ISO 9001:2008.
On the occasion of the International Intellectual Property Day - April 26, the State Office of the Republic of Macedonia, orginized an event and hosted the traditional award of the PATENT OF YEAR in the Thessaloniki Hotel in Skopje. This year the PATENT OF YEAR award was awarded to the author Victor Nastev for the invention "Device with electric or pneumatic movement of a folding mechanism for initiating speed reduction of vehicles", whose application was filed in July 2017 by the representative BERIN.
The Delegation of the Intellectual Property Agency "BERIN in the composition of MA Mariјa Koseska and B.Sc. Eng. Bogoljub Ilievski participated in the work of the 84th Council of the European Patent Institute (epi) that took place in Valeta (MALTA) from 13-14 April 2018. The IP Agency BERIN has its representatives in four epi Committees: Committee for Professional Enforcement (MA Maria Kjoseska), Committee for European Patent Practice (Bogoljub Ilievski), Committee for Disciplinary Procedure (Vanco Damjanski) and EPO finances committee (prof. d-r Gjorgji Filipov).
WIPO has issued the latest complete data on intellectual property activity around the world.
玛利亚·科色斯卡(Marija Koseska,硕士),BERIN知识产权有限公司的知识产权律师,为最新一期的IN Store杂志撰文《因特网上知识产权侵权》。
Berin知识产权公司为两位青年发明家颁奖,他们参与第三十八届国际创新节Makinova 2017并展示了发明创造与论文,从两大类Makinova和Ekonova的五十多个发明中脱颖而出。创新节于2017年10月25日至29日在斯科普里市的博里斯·特拉伊科夫斯基体育馆举行。
 Marija Koseska(硕士),BERIN知识产权有限公司的知识产权律师,为最新一期的IN Store杂志撰文《发展知识产权策略的建议》。
2017年6月17日,BERIN知识产权公司的知识产权律师玛利亚·科色斯卡(Marija Kjoseska)在青年文化中心(YCC)为国际当代艺术博览会之2017斯科普里Paratisma举行两场讲座。
2017年5月20日至24日, 第139届国际商标持有者协会(INTA)年会在西班牙巴塞罗那举行,全世界超过11000人(专利及商标律师)参加了此次年会。BERIN知识产权公司四位成员:创立人格奥尔基·菲利波夫博士教授(Gjorgji Filipov)、共同创立人工程师莉里杨娜·菲利波娃(Liljana Filipova)、执行经理工程师凡措·达姆杨斯基(Vancho Damjanski)和商标部门负责人玛利亚·科色斯卡(Marija Kjoseska)。参加此次年会的还有玛雅·达姆杨斯卡,她是来自斯科普里的出版和通信顾问;和来自索菲亚的同事伊万·伊万诺夫(Ivan Ivanov)。BERIN于2017年5月22日为来自中国和其它远东国家的伙伴举行了研讨会-工作坊。
2017年5月10日,欧洲专利组织于慕尼黑举办第八十四届技术及运营活动常务委员会会议。该委员会拥有一百多名成员(欧洲专利局每个成员国的两个成员及该组织的准成员国)。欧洲专利局由二十六名成员代表团参加,领导为三位副主席:莱蒙德·卢兹博士(Dr. Raimund Lutz)、吉拉·米诺斯硕士(MA Gila Minos)和阿尔伯特·卡萨多(Alberto Casado)。参与该委员会的还有欧盟知识产权局(EUIPO)、世界知识产权组织(WIPO)及欧洲专利机构(EPI)代表。
2017年4月23日至25日,德国慕尼黑举办第八十二届欧洲专利局理事会大会。欧洲专利局是欧洲专利代理人组织,拥有来自三十八个欧洲国家的11,500名成员。本次大会由136名代表参加,其中四人来自马其顿。大会期间选举出新主席,来自比利时的弗朗西斯·雷登(Francis Leidern),副主席芭芭拉·昆尼克博士(Barbara Kunic)来自斯洛文尼亚和海克·富格桑博士(Haik Fogelsang)来自德国。新的总秘书是来自葡萄牙的罗阿兹·佩雷拉(Roazh Pereira)。
2017 年 3 月 17 日 在 萨格勒布 举办 国际 商标 持有者 协会 (INTA) 年度 会议 例行 准备 的 介绍 性 招待会, BERIN 公司 代表 凡 措 · 达姆 杨斯基 (Vancho Damjanski) 参与 该 会.
BERIN 知识产权 代理 创始人 莉 里 杨娜 · 菲利 波娃 和 格奥尔基 · 菲利波夫 (Georgi Filipov) 博士 教授 大使, 二 位 马其顿 和 欧洲 专利 代理人, 在 访问 奥地利 期间 参加 了 萨尔斯堡 两次 活动: 2017 年 3 月 3 日 举办 的 "纳米 技术 研讨会" 和 2017 年 3 月 4 日 举办 的 "欧洲 科学 艺术 研究院" 正式 会议.
在 世界 经济 极 不确定 的 情况 下, 全球 知识经济 继续 增长. 即 是 2017 年 2 月, 世界知识产权组织 (WIPO) 根据 "专利 合作 条约" (PCT) 发布 了 第三 百万 份 专利 申请.
特斯拉 公司 近期 更换 了 Modell 3 汽车 原来 "三 道 杠" 的 商标 到 数字 3. 公司 称 此举 纯粹 出于 风格. 然而, 最近 的 法庭 文件 证 明阿迪达斯 对 这次 改变 有影响.
年 2017 1 月 17 日, 博格 柳 布 · 伊利耶夫 斯基 先生 参加 德国 慕尼黑 欧洲 专利 组织 常务 咨询 委员会 (SACEPO) 召开 的 质量 工作 组 第 一次 会议.
根据 美国 专利 与 商标 局 数据 2016 年 标记 着 近 几年 以来 专利 数量 发行 的 迅速 增长. 2016 年 发行 的 专利 总数 是 334.673, 比 2015 年 多 7.793, 增长 了 2,4%.
2016 标志着 马德里 系统 条约 创立 一百 二十 五年, 国际 商标 注册 的 马德里 条约, 目前 仍在 增长: 2019 年 注册 预计 会 到达 1,5 百万. 更多 信息 请 关注 以下 网站:
BERIN 团队 祝 大家 2017 年 快乐, 成功, 创新, 真诚 祝福 您 健康, 幸福, 工作上 马到成功!
2016 年 10 月 12 日 斯科普里 "布拉 热 · 科 耐 斯基" 文字 系 阶梯 教室 里, 马其顿 翻译 家 协会 组织 了 一次 关于 翻译 者 的 法律 保护 工作坊.
博格 柳 布 · 伊利耶夫 斯基, 马其顿 及 欧洲 专利 代理人, BERIN 知识产权 公司 专利 部 负责 人, 当选 成为 欧洲 专利 机构 (EPI) 代表, 属于 欧洲 专利 办公室 永久 质量 永久 顾问 机构. 它 属于 欧洲 专利 组织, 主要 注重 专利 过程 的 质量.
22.10.2016, For 22nd time Berin has awarded most sucessful young inventor from the exsibition MAKINOVA. This year the prize was given to the young inventor Philip RUMENOVSKI for the invention "laser alarm system."
The book "The radius of the heart", by prof. Dr. Gjorgji Filipov, is new deed of the author that complete a trilogy of books which are including his posts on Facebook.
New changes were brought to the laws on trademarks and industrial designs, in order to bring Montenegro’s IP legal framework in line with the European Union’s legislation and relevant treaties.
As practitioners in the area of intellectual property rights (patents, industrial designs, trademarks and copyright), on the occasion of the release of the UK from the European Union to we would like to inform you that this act could affect the status of your rights.
Dipl. Eng. Bogoljub Ilievski, Macedonian and European patent attorney (MZIS & EPA), Head of Department for Patent at the Agency for Intellectual Property BERIN, on behalf of the European Patent Institute (EPI), has expounded on "Management systems for quality certification and expectations of the users”.
On 23-rd o April 2016, regular member Mariја Kјoseskа, Vanco Damjanski and Bogoljub Ilievski from BERIN attended the 80th council meeting of the European patent institute (epi) as part of Macedonian delegation.
Bogoljub Ilievski, Head of patent department at BERIN LTD, participated in the yearly meeting called “Partnership for Quality” at the European Patent Office in Munich, as a member of the European Patent Institute (epi)
格奥尔基·菲利波夫(Gjorgji Filipov)博士,教授(欧洲专利局、知识产权硕士)和工学硕士博格柳布·伊利耶夫斯基(Bogoliub Ilievski, 欧洲专利局、知识产权硕士)参与了马其顿共和国工业产权国家战略的圆桌会议。
格奥尔基·菲利波夫(Gjorgji Filipov)博士,教授和Berin知识产权机构行政主管、工学硕士凡措·达姆杨斯基(Vancho Damjanski)参与“经济反腐战略”活动,该活动由德国-马其顿商业和奥地利-马其顿商业协会,以及荷兰与美国驻马其顿商会筹备。
Berin知识产权机构创始人格奥尔基·菲利波夫(Gjorgji Filipov)博士访问马其顿语言机构“科尔斯特·米斯尔科夫”与马其顿文学机构。
《In Store》杂志十二月号刊登了法学硕士斯内亚娜·马尔科夫斯卡的专论文章《对仿药和假冒药喊停》。斯内亚娜·马尔科夫斯卡是BERIN有限责任公司商标和工业设计部门的律师
《In Store》杂志十月号刊登了专论文章名为《小发明、大机遇》,作者是斯科普里BERIN有限责任公司专利部分主管工学硕士伯格柳布·伊利埃夫斯基。
European or international patent applications filed on or after November 1, 2015, may now be validated with effect for the Republic of Moldova against a payment of a validation fee.
The Parliament of Republic of Macedonia has approved the new Law on customs measures for the implementation of protection of intellectual property rights, which came into force on 05.06.2015. Elaboration of general explanations in the following text of Snezana Markovska....
As of 27 July 2015, the State Office of Industrial Property of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) (SOIP) has made its trade mark data available to the TMview search tool.
Marija Kjoseska, from BERIN LTD will participate in the yearly meeting of “Professional Conduct Committee” within European Patent Institute (epi) that will be held in Munich on June 8, 2015.
In a recent judgment, the First Instance Court of Athens held that the trade dress below for a painkiller medicine “SALOSPIR” does not violate rights in and to the “ASPIRIN” family of marks and trade dress.
The Parliament of Republic of Macedonia has approves the new Law on customs measures for the implementation of protection of intellectual property rights, which will come into force on 05.06.2015.
Mr. Vanco Damjanski, CEO at Berin Ltd; Ms. Marija Kjoseska, European Patent Attorney at Berin Ltd and Mr. Bogoljub Ilievski, Head of patent department at Berin Ltd have been elected as the full members in the Council of the European Patent Institute (EPI) for the period between 2014-2017.
One year ahead of schedule, the service now offers 32 languages, covering all EPO member states plus the major Asian languages
On November 25 - 26 November 2013, Munich hosted the 4th consecutive IP Service World Conference. The event was attended by more than 350 participants and 40 exhibitors in which variety of services in the field of Industrial Property were exhibited.
Under the motto “ Rethinking – The Power of Intellectual Property” the forum have gave to the participants good opportunity to discuss and exchange their experiences about the management of the IP rights in post crisis period
18.10.2013 Munich, Germany 40th Anniversary of EPC (European Patent Convention) was celebrated with several events with the presence of many important guests and officials
Spindelegger: "New EU patent will trigger innovation boost for EU"
Within the International Exhibition "Innovation of women inventors' held on 1 - 4 of May in Seoul, South Korea, Zaklina Stamboliska which is also our client, won two gold medals for 2 his invention.
CEO of the company, Mr. Vanco Damjanski, is representing BERIN on this year International Trademark Association’s Annual Meeting taking place in Dallas, Texas, USA.
During the 135th INTA Annual Meeting in Dallas, USA, executive director of Berin ltd. Vancho Damjanski have meet Mr. Jean-Pierre Maeder Assistant Vice President as well as Group Head of Brand IP of Nestle.
13 March 2013, The EPO's Economic and Scientific Advisory Board (ESAB) has issued a statement with recommendations for improving the patent system, based on the main findings of its 2012 activities. Along with this statement, the ESAB has also published the reports of three workshops it conducted in 2012, namely on patent quality, the role of fees, and patent thickets.
On the 6th and 7th March, within the regular procedure for recertification of implemented quality management system ISO 9001: 2008, audit was conducted by certification body TUV Rheinland.
Meeting in Salzburg between friends, the Chairman of the Board of Berin IP, Prof. Dr. Gjorgji Filipov and Prof. Dr. Dres.. hc Joseph Straus
Within the three-day conference on Mobile Applications Mobile App Camp held from 30.11 to 02.12 in MBC conference room Skopje Fair, organized by the Yes Incubator, with the participation of over 120 participants, ( more than 70 foreign) and 20 international mentors in this area, Intellectual Property Agency BERIN doo took an active part.
26 to 27 November, more than 300 participants, 38 sponsors and exhibitors attended the 3rd consecutive IP Service World Conference held in Munich, the heart of industrial property in Europe.