On 23-rd o April 2016, regular member Mariја Kјoseskа, Vanco Damjanski and Bogoljub Ilievski from BERIN attended the 80th council meeting of the European patent institute (epi) as part of Macedonian delegation. This council meeting was attended by 130 members from 38 European countries. The current challenges facing the institute as regard to the new changes to the European patent system was the main point of discussion. Also, the council memebres with the secret ballot decided to remain the curent system of delegating the representatives in the council, so that the Macedonian delegation in the next term will be composed of four representatives. As introduction to the council a seminar about latest developments regarding ratification of unitary patent system and patent court and an educational workshop on "Inventive step in patent" were organized.
During the weekend 09.11.2024, in the sports hall of DSU "Kole Nedelkovski" in Veles, the 45th edition of MAKINOVA and the 22nd edition of ECONOVA were held - the most significant events for innovation and eco-projects in Macedonia organized by SPATUM and Narodna tekhnika. This year, 96 participants took part, including 79 students from the country and 17 representatives from the region, ie from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia and Bulgaria.
The patron of the event was the President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova, who addressed her via video beam. The exhibitions were also visited by the Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski, the Vice-President of the Government and Minister of Transport and Communications Aleksandar Nikoloski, the Minister of Education, Vesna Janevska and the Mayor Marko Kolev.
Berin, once again, supported the event. Jury committee member Goran Ilic awarded the awards from Berin for "Robot Arm" to Simona Atanaskova from Veles and "Rover for Research of Radioactive and Inaccessible Environments" to Bodan Nikolov from Skopje.
We are especially inspired by the young inventors who have shown exceptional creativity and innovative spirit this year. We hope that our support and awards will serve as an incentive and motivation for them to develop and implement their ideas in the future.
From October 8 to 10, 2024, the Life Sciences Strategy Summit on IP & Exclusivity was held in Munich, Germany. The event gathered 285 participants and over 60 expert speakers, proving to be key in the field of Biotech, life sciences and intellectual property protection. With essential discussions on acctual topics, inclusive of comparative insights into the experiences of the US and other territories, the summit highlighted key trends in shaping the future of IP protection strategies.
Among the participants was Berin's representative, manager Vancho Damjanski, who as a European Patent Attorney was part of exceptional opportunities for active discussions, networking and expanding cooperation with this sector.
The summit, with the presence of relevant participants in the capacity of lecturers and participants, confirmed its importance on the global map of events in the biotech sphere and IP protection, providing a platform for industry leaders to share insights on global challenges such as manufacturing exclusivity and improvement of development and protection systems.
Prof. Dr. Gjorgi Filipov spoke at the workshop under the title: "Export management: mandatory rules and legal aspects during export", on the topic: Familiarity with intellectual property", as one of the necessary elements that should be taken care of in the creation of strategies and operationalization of the export of a company at domestic and international level. In addition to the basic characteristics of intellectual property, its types, definitions, common elements, but also differences in the approach and even in enabling protection at the state, territorial, European or world level, Prof. Filipov also spoke about the basics of Brand Management, Brand Leadership, Patent Management, and the matrices of the brand or patent portfolio, similar to the Boston Consulting Group's basic matrix, which covers the market attractiveness and market share of products protected as a trademark, industrial design or patent. At the same time, Prof. Filipov also presented the BERIN MFS Portfolio, software developed on the basis of the mathematical model created by him and other experts in Berin, whose matrix observes and enables drawing conclusions about market behavior based on the attractiveness of the technological area and the relative position of industrial ownership in where are the products that claim to be exported to a certain area.
The representative of "Berin" - Ivona Sekulovska, MA (trademark attorney) attended the Annual Conference of the International Trademark Association (INTA) 2024 in Atlanta, USA. Joining over 9,000 participants from all over the world, the Berin Agency representative had the privilege to engage in meaningful discussions and take advantage of the company's networking opportunity within the global framework of the IP structure. The event began with an inspiring opening ceremony with keynote speaker Dr. Bernice A. King, an esteemed American lawyer, minister and youngest child of the civil rights activist, icon, Dr. Martin Luther King. The closing ceremony at the impressive Mercedes-Benz Stadium, home of the American football team Atlanta Falcons, was an unforgettable moment. Participants enjoyed a unique blend of business meetings and talks and sports activities organized by INTA, fostering connections and camaraderie among fellow brand advocates. We look forward to applying the knowledge, contacts and connections gained from this extraordinary experience to better serve our business partners in the intellectual property and trademark fields. #BerinIPAgency at #INTA2024
On 21.02.24, a meeting of the members of the IP Commercialization Committee (IPCC), a body of the European Patent Institute (epi), was held in Munich. The committee consists of ten members, experts in the field. The committee was chaired by Hans Blöche, and Prof. Dr. Gjorgi Filipov. After the introductory points and the election of the Secretary of the Committee (Anders Isaksson), work was started on points related to some proposals of the European Commission, located in the so-called EU patent package, which provides for some patent functions in the European intellectual property office (EUIPO), which is a bit of a surprise and which the IPCC views with reservations. Questions from EPO practices were also discussed regarding assignment as one of the ways to commercialize IP, regarding the possible new directive on compulsory licenses in the field of pharmaceutical patents, as well as the advisory support provided by epi members to micro- companies (companies with annual income <2 million euros). The EU directive on corporate sustainability was also discussed, as well as the participation of IPCC members in the training of European representatives in the area of commercialization of patents. In his presentations, Filipov spoke about the methods of monetization and commercialization, about the evaluation of patent applications and about the necessity of respecting the provisions of the Paris Convention when granting licenses, assignments and in general during the transfer of technology, taking into account the readiness of the licensee to retain the quality of the product or service offered by the IP right holder. The president of epi, Peter Thomsen, also participated online in the work of the Committee.
The session of the European Patent Practice Committee (EPPC) lasted for three days (27-29.24) and contained three sessions: 1. Preparatory session, in which the members of the EPPC discussed in detail the points of the agenda for the meeting with the vice-president of the European Patent office, Steve Rowan and members of his delegation (seven other directors); 2. Plenary session with Steve Rowan and the delegation (about 130 participants, hybrid, onsite and online), holding two break-out sessions with members of the working groups for mechanics and ICT and for the biopharmacy and chemistry group; and 3. Break-out meeting announcements and conclusions for each item on the agenda. From the ERRS it was chaired by Christopher Mercer, and from the EPO, Steve Rowan, and then Razik Menindjel. In his welcoming speech, Rowan referred to the priorities of the EPZ for 2024, the nationalities of the patent examiners, the work of the Permanent Advisory Committee of the EPO (SACERO), the quality, the cooperation with SOIS and PCT, the total number of applications, the searches made and examinations, as well as for the number of granted patents, the need for amendments to the regulations for the description of inventions, for the examination department and the involvement of examiners, as well as for small and medium-sized enterprises and the benefits when filing patent applications. On behalf of the other members of the EPZ delegation, Emma Donaban spoke about the Quality Action Plan in 2024, Niclas Moray about complaints in 2023, about time positions during search, examination and opposition, Anne Redijk about the office of the ombudsman, as well as about additional searches , the correct citations of relevant texts and the non-examination of certain dependent patent claims, Heli Pillayama for speeding up opposition proceedings in a case of a Union patent in parallel court proceedings. During the breakout session on Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals, which was chaired by Martin Wilming, there was talk about the cooperation of the US Patent and Trademark Office with the Food and Drug Administration, clinical trials of patents, medical and non-medical applications of products. , as well as the patenting of new types of plants, while the break-out session for Chemistry, Mechanics and ICT discussed the parameters and methods of measurement, the big gap in the protection of inventions in the field of artificial intelligence and the problems and solutions in patent cases in information and communication technology.
In the work of the plenary session and the breakout session for biotechnology and pharmaceutical chemistry, Dr. Filipov actively participated, as the representative of MK in EPPS, who in several discussions: a) emphasized that he is still looking for a definition or a shorter publication of what is meant by the quality of work of a patent office (in this case, the European Patent Office) and gave a proposal on how to find a solution to that dilemma, b) asked for a wider elaboration on the cooperation of the European Patent Office within the framework of the big five offices in the world (USPTO, CIPPA, JPO, KIPO & EPO), c) asked to overcome the problems with the writing of sequence lists in pharmaceutical inventions and proposed measures to be done in the transitional period of adaptation to the new standard and d) the emphasized the issue of the use of the EPO Smart Card for identification and the possibility of two-factor authentication through the EPO mailbox, not forgetting the insistence of the Unified Patent Court.
*“专利”一词来自拉丁语 “patere”,意指“摊开”(即供公众查阅),而 “letters patent” 原指皇家颁布给个人或企业的某种特权的证明。
商标 是个人、企业组织或其他法人实体用来识别某商品、服务的显著标志,用于唯一标识给消费者产品或服务的来源,并与其它实体的产品或服务区分开来。
[ 其它服务]
* 专利通常包含名称、词、短语、平面标志、符号、视图、图画,或它们的组合。®标志用来表示该商标以根据商标法注册,相当于北美使用的TM符号。
*© 这个符号的用在著作权持有人的名字旁,代表该作品是著作人的创作,并警告只有通过著作权的持有人同意才可以被他人使用。
*© 就是英文词语 – “copyright” 的简称;这个词字面意义即 “复制权利”的意思。
BERIN有限公司的专家来自不同背景,包括来自工程学的工程师、律师、马其顿及欧洲专利代理人。每位公司成员除了母语外还会说英语和至少一种欧洲语言。BERIN有限公司按既定的ISO 9001体系有效并高效地执行和监督专利保护、工业设计、商标和版权,由德国莱茵TÜV集团引进及掌控,为商业伙伴的知识产权提供最佳保护。
1992 : 成立
1993 : 注册
1993 : 专利
1994 : 伙伴关系
1994 : 第一工业设计与商标应用
1995 : 第一次PCT申请
1996 : 发明推广
1997 : 国际商标
2001 : 国际工业设计保护
2004 : 欧洲专利局代表
2005 : OHIM处代表
2009 : 欧洲专利局代表
2010 : 认证
执行和认证质量管理系统ISO 9001:2008
2012 : 国际博览会
2014 : 扩展
2015 : 软件
2016 : 欧洲专利局首个马其顿专利
2017 : 二十五周年
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Intellectual Property Company Berin DOO, Skopje
bul. Kocho Racin 14/1-1, 1000 Skopje, North Macedonia
Phone: +389 (0) 2-3130-367, Fax: 389 (0) 2-3130-398
ID number: 4570138, www.crm.com.mk
E-mail: berin@berin.mk
Legal Notes:
Intellectual Property Company Berin DOO, Skopje, is an intellectual property representative in the Republic of North Macedonia and an authorized patent attorney before the European Patent Office (EPO), as well as a member of the Association of Industrial Property Representatives (patents and trademarks) of North Macedonia and international organizations EPI, FICPI, INTA and MARQUES. It is a company that is certified for quality management according to TUV Rheinland, Germany (TÜV, and according to ISO: 9001, with certificate number ID: 9105059285). The professional norms on which the work is based are determined by the Macedonian intellectual property laws (Law on Industrial Property and the Law on Copyright and Related Rights), the EPI Professional Standards (European Patent Institute-EPI) (available at: www.patentepi.org) and the FICPI Professional Code (available at: www.ficpi.org).
Berin International GmbH
Jurekgasse 1/1/11, A-1150 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 (0) 1 8922960, Fax: +43 (0) 1 8922960
Registration number: FN 424569 Т, Commercial Court Vienna
Tax number: ATU70035838
Email: office@berin-ip.com
Legal Notes:
Berin International GmbH consists of European patent attorneys and consultants for intellectual property and technology transfer for southeast Europe. They are members of EPI, FICPI, INTA and MARQUES. Their work is subject to EPI Professional Standards (available at: www.patentepi.com) and FICPI Professional Standards (available at: www.ficpi.org).